All posts by lowefs

Market Notes September 21, 2012

The jobs numbers released yesterday morning, although slightly better than last week, reflected ongoing economic weakness and poor prospects for a strong recovery in the short-term. Unemployment claims remain at a four-week average of 377,750 (Source: WSJ Online); we are experiencing the highest levels since June. One of the goals of the recent QE3 Fed
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Market Notes September 17, 2012

Last Friday Lowe Wealth Advisors informed our clients about the Feds’ new QE3 program and addressed its potential impact on the Capital Markets. On Thursday and Friday, we saw a generally positive response in domestic equity prices and a somewhat negative response in certain bond prices. Some commodities such as gold rose in value. (Note: commodities
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Market Notes August 3, 2012

As we move into August the global financial markets continue to seek some degree of certainty. The primary contributing factors at this time are from the European debt crisis, the U.S. tax picture with the impending ”Fiscal Cliff”, the U.S. economic recovery, and of course, the U.S. political practices. We have found that in election
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Lowe Wealth Advisors 2012 Outlook

Reflecting back on 2011, Lowe Wealth Advisors, and the financial markets in general, started the year with high hopes of a domestic economic recovery. This optimism was quickly replaced with pervasive feelings of doom and gloom throughout most of the year. A multitude of global events overshadowed the positive domestic economic developments including: the Japanese
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Market Notes June 1, 2012

While our commentaries are normally edited prior to distribution, Lowe Wealth Advisors felt that providing insight sooner than later was most important. The below commentary is unedited. The downward pressure in the global equity markets of the past few weeks has continued into June. These declines are largely attributable to three factors: News out of China
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Market Notes May 8, 2012

In providing this update on the financial markets, Lowe Wealth Advisors is particularly aware of the differences in domestic versus international concerns. Following are our primary global focal points at this time. Europe It is quite apparent that European voters are sending a message of their intent to replace pro-austerity administrations with those who favor softer
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Market Notes April 10, 2012

On Monday, April 9, 2012, the global equity markets responded to last week’s lackluster U.S. employment report by selling off shares with decidedly downward pressure. According to The Wall Street Journal, the Financial Sector (a sector for which Lowe Wealth Advisors has sought to minimize exposure in many of our managed allocations) led the markets lower.
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Market Notes August 12, 2011

Is The Market Entering a Bottoming Process? According to the Wall Street Journal economic data released this morning showed that retail sales rose by 0.5% in July. This is a positive development and could provide evidence that consumers are not pulling back on their spending as much as anticipated. “But that was for July,” you
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Market Notes July 29, 2011

Debt Ceiling Focus Investors appear to be factoring in a credit downgrade of the United States Debt and are asking, “What might be the economic impact of such a downgrade?” Certainly, any downgrade would cause the United States to have to pay higher rates to investors in order to compensate them for a higher “risk
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Market Notes June 24, 2011

The stock market continues to be controlled by events in Europe. While better than expected economic news was released today for the U.S. in the form of increased orders for durable goods (refrigerators, cars, airplanes, mobile phones etc.), it was not enough to counter growing concerns surrounding the European debt crisis. The increase in durable
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